Monday, December 13, 2010

Where Does Your Child’s Identity Lay… Truly?

“The greatest need of our children is to cherish and know the infinite value of God. Therefore we want them to become so saturated with the Word of God that they treasure Jesus alone as the One who saves and satisfies the heart.”


“The greatest gift we can offer them is to begin forming and molding their identity in Jesus alone.

Our identity, how we view ourselves and what we find our worth in, will directly determine how we view God, how we treat others, and how we will operate in this fallen world. If our children find their identify in something other than Jesus then they will pursue that thing above Jesus. If they presently find their worth in school, their relationships, or sports, again, something other than Jesus, then they will grow up viewing the faith of their parents merely as ancillary to the more important pursuits of their lives. They will learn to use everything at their disposal to worship that “thing” above the Creator who made it. So, it is our job as parents and as the covenant community of Christ to tell our children who they are.

One of the best ways we can do this is by telling them the story of the Bible, and, what I mean by that is not simply telling them random stories out of it but by showing them the grand redemptive arc of Jesus’ story throughout Scripture and then showing them how their lives intersect with that story.”

– Joshua Elsom via the Gospel Community Mission Collective Forum

Joshua recommended using The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name I haven’t used it yet myself, but am going to check it out!

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